Python Syllabus for Tutoring
Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language widely used in web development, data science, automation, and AI. A well-structured Python syllabus should cover both fundamental and advanced concepts, ensuring students develop strong programming skills.
Below is a detailed Python syllabus for tutoring, divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
🔹 1. Introduction to Python (Beginner Level)
1.1 Getting Started with Python
✅ What is Python? History and Features
✅ Installing Python (Windows, macOS, Linux)
✅ Python IDEs (IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter, VS Code)
✅ Running Python Programs (Interactive Mode vs. Script Mode)
1.2 Python Basics
✅ Variables and Data Types (int, float, string, bool)
✅ Type Conversion and Type Casting
✅ Input and Output Functions (input()
, print()
✅ Python Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Bitwise)
1.3 Control Flow Statements
✅ Conditional Statements (if
, elif
, else
✅ Loops in Python (for
, while
✅ Loop Control Statements (break
, continue
, pass
1.4 Python Collections (Data Structures)
✅ Lists (list
) – Creating, Indexing, Slicing, Methods
✅ Tuples (tuple
) – Immutable Collections
✅ Sets (set
) – Unique Elements, Operations
✅ Dictionaries (dict
) – Key-Value Pairs, Methods
1.5 Functions and Modules
✅ Defining and Calling Functions (def
✅ Function Arguments (*args
, **kwargs
✅ Lambda (Anonymous) Functions
✅ Importing Modules (math
, random
, datetime
✅ Creating Custom Modules
🔹 2. Intermediate Python Concepts
2.1 Strings and File Handling
✅ String Methods (split()
, join()
, replace()
, find()
✅ String Formatting (f-strings
, format()
✅ File Handling (open()
, read()
, write()
, with
2.2 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
✅ Introduction to OOP (Classes, Objects)
✅ Constructors (__init__
) and Destructors
✅ Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multilevel)
✅ Method Overriding and Method Resolution Order (MRO)
✅ Encapsulation and Polymorphism
2.3 Exception Handling
✅ Understanding Errors (SyntaxError
, TypeError
, IndexError
✅ Using try
, except
, finally
, raise
✅ Custom Exceptions
2.4 Python Libraries and Modules
✅ Working with os
and sys
✅ Math Operations using math
and random
✅ Date and Time Handling (datetime
, time
2.5 Python Regular Expressions (Regex)
✅ Using re
Module for Pattern Matching
✅ Search, Match, and Replace Functions
🔹 3. Advanced Python Topics
3.1 Functional Programming
✅ Higher-Order Functions (map()
, filter()
, reduce()
✅ List, Dictionary, and Set Comprehensions
✅ Generators (yield
) and Iterators
3.2 Multithreading and Multiprocessing
✅ Understanding GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)
✅ threading
vs. multiprocessing
✅ Creating Threads and Processes
3.3 Working with Databases
✅ Introduction to sqlite3
and MySQL
in Python
✅ CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
✅ Using pandas
for Data Manipulation
3.4 Web Scraping and API Handling
✅ Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
and requests
✅ Working with APIs (requests
, json
✅ Parsing and Extracting JSON Data
3.5 GUI Programming
✅ Introduction to Tkinter
✅ Creating Windows, Labels, and Buttons
3.6 Data Science and Machine Learning (Optional)
✅ NumPy and Pandas for Data Analysis
✅ Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization
✅ Introduction to Scikit-learn for Machine Learning
🔹 4. Python Projects (Practical Implementation)
✅ Beginner Project: Calculator, To-Do List
✅ Intermediate Project: Web Scraper, Chatbot, Data Visualization
✅ Advanced Project: Machine Learning Model, Automation Script
This structured Python syllabus ensures a progressive learning path from basics to advanced levels. Tutors should emphasize hands-on coding, real-world applications, and interactive learning to help students master Python effectively.
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