Often comments in HTML code are used, which is why it is important to brown the browser to avoid showing it.
There are many reasons as we can add a comment inside an HTML script.
- A note or reminder, a specification or explanation
- Java script comments
- An incomplete element
This comment will be placed between "<! -" and "->" tags, we will be able to leave a note to be remembered later that what the code was, or if there still need to be started is.
Example -
<!--The beginning of the code that shows a photo-->
<p>This is a paragraph in between two lines of html comment</p>
<!--The end of the code that shows a photo-->
This is a paragraph in between two lines of html comment
Unfinished script
When you work on a script, but you leave it incomplete then the comments are very useful, it will be interpreted as a comment by the browser and placed in between two tags (<! - code ->) and shown will not go.
Example -
<!-- <input type="text" size="12" /> -- Input Field -->
<input type="text" size="12" />
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